Yesterday I linked a post from
Grosgrain about a twenty minute skirt tutorial. I thought about it during the day...when I got home I hit my stash of fabric. First of all my skirt took me about an hour to make for a couple of reasons. I didn't use my serger. I had to sew a narrow hem as my selvage was printed on one side with designer information. I also used about two yards of fabric, because I thought the flirty fabric of the skirt would look cuter if the skirt was fuller.
It was a fabulous and quick no-pattern project. I finished in about an hour. It was fun making something so quickly...especially when I have been working on my neighbors cushion covers lately.
I would absolutely use this method to quickly make skirts for my ten year old daughter.
I also have a time saving tip, I remembered in the middle of the night last night, for serger users. In the tutorial she serged the upper edge of the fabric and then folded it down and sewed with her sewing machine. If you fold your casing down and then fold in back to the right side of the fabric(like an accordion fold), and run the three layers through the serger, you have encased the edges and sewn the casing in one step.
More pictures to certainly come. I've been thinking about skirts all morning. I also have an idea for a similar project to make a tube top!!